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Dialogs Made Easy
Syntax of Numerical Expressions
This file was written by Shawn Hargreaves
This section completely describes the expressions that can be typed in the input fields for "%cint", "%cfloat" and "%cdouble" formats. See also the Authors section in readme.txt and the eval() function in dime.txt.
The whole section is cut from the EGG system by Shawn Hargreaves. For more info, see the the authors section in readme.txt.
Numbers may be written in decimal (eg. 42, 1.2345) or in hex (eg. 0xDEADBEEF). Boolean logic works identically to C, with zero representing false and nonzero being true.
Binary operators:
+ addition - subtraction (may be unary negation, depending on context) * multiplication / division ^ raising to a power % integer modulus (remainder after division) | logical 'or' & logical 'and' == equality test != inequality test < less than test <= less than or equal to test > greater than test >= greater than or equal to test
- negation (may be binary subtraction, depending on context) ! logical 'not' sqrt square root sin sine (angle in degrees) cos cosine (angle in degrees) tan tangent (angle in degrees) asin inverse sine (angle in degrees) acos inverse cosine (angle in degrees) atan inverse tangent (angle in degrees) log base 10 logarithm ln natural logarithm ceil round up to the next larger integer floor round down to the next smaller integer round round to the closest integer abs absolute valueSpecial values:
rand a random number between zero and one (inclusive) pi 3.14159... e 2.71828...Operator precedence (lowest at the top):
| & < > == != <= >= + - * / % ^ ! sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan log ln ceil floor round absDifferences from C syntax: